What Parents Say

We tried your class earlier this week and my almost 4 year old son loved it. He even used the technique when he was getting ready to throw a tantrum :)

Since these classes my son has been initiating meditation when becoming upset, at sunset and before dinner on his own.

My daughter has started using some of the breathing exercises you teach when she is feeling upset.

My daughter is so happy with the classes, she has learned how to manage her energy, and how to breath properly.
I have always wanted to introduce my 5 year old son to meditation. This class has become part of our COVID homeschooling schedule. He has started to incorporate the daily theme words into his vocabulary, which I love.

My grandson has become more comfortable falling asleep. Before he would have fears of closing his eyes and seeing scary things. Now he feels more peaceful when the lights are turned off.

This class was amazing! My daughter did every step and took a NAP afterward which she never does. Thank you!

My daughter has gained so much and has been taking her practice on her own as well. We’ve also been meditating together which has been so nice!

Aydin woke me up at 5:30AM for meditation and put his hands on my heart. He learned it from you!

Our son was very excited to be featured on the screen. I wanted to express the importance it made to our family because our son has special needs and he absolutely loves your class!

I did not realize how much of an impact it would make on my little one's overall mood. My little one usually can't sit still very long but manages to do it during these sessions!

I have seen my son use the breathing & meditation techniques when he’s gotten upset or overthinking something.
What Kids Say

I'm so relaxed now, I want to take a nap.

SERA (9)
I really appreciate this class. It helps me focus and relax. It helps me take negative thoughts off my mind and I love it.
I started with 3 minutes, then I did 4 and now I'm doing 5 minutes meditation!

I am doing a 5 minute meditation in the morning and at night. I also do meditation when I am stressed.

I really like this classes, thank you, I love these classes!
I felt like I had golden wings and I was flying. I felt like my heart was glowing
When I do the meditation it makes me feel better inside. You are the best teacher and this class is awesome!
LEO (6)
This class was very, very good! Meditation is the best !

ALEX (8)
Today I practiced meditation for 20 minutes!

Sometimes when I’m a little bit stressed out, I focus my attention on something else, something like the happy times

I had a surgery and I feel a lot of pain and I feel frustrated about it, when I feel like that I meditate for a while

In the meditation part, I imagined that I was in a cave within a peaceful field where I felt powerful spreading joy to all the world
Thank you for the good vibes!

I love it!
Thank you for teaching us those moves!
Thank you for teaching us!